Monday, August 17, 2015

**Cover Reveal** Dutch By: Madhuri Blaylock

Book: Dutch (The Keeper Series #1)
Author: Madhuri Blaylock
Genre: Erotic Romance
A dark raunchy romance 
Releases 12th October
Arrogant, handsome, and detached, deadly assassin Dutch Mathew has an insatiable appetite for bourbon, cigarettes, and women. A Keeper for The Gate, the shadowy organization designed to control Death and her Poochas, those reclaimers helping the dead cross back to life, he has three simple rules for anyone sharing his bed: no talking, no kissing, no touching.
Juma Landry is all about talking and kissing and touching. The more talking and kissing and touching, the better.
And as one of Death's Poochas, the best in fact, she is Dutch's next assignment. He is tasked with ending each and every one of her nine lives but with her sharp banter, beautiful smile, and hips made for all kinds of wickedness, she isn't going to make that easy.
Set in New York City and Trivandrum, Dutch, The Keeper Series Book One, is a unique and sexy urban fairytale - a must read for anyone who likes their raunch with a twist of romance and a hint of magic. 
Watch for it to hit shelves 12th October
Pre-order links

Amazon UK Amazon US

Meet the Author:
Madhuri is that Indian girl everyone thinks is Black, or Spanish, or Black and Spanish. She’s from down South, has lived in the New York City area for more than twenty years, and is proof that you can take the girl out of the South, but you can’t take the South out of the girl.
She loves Old Scout bourbon, tattoos, french fries, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, her mom’s Indian food, all kinds of naughty, filthy things, Friday Night Lights, coffee, and Martha’s Vineyard. She can wiggle her ears, flare her nostrils, and curl her tongue.
She is an introvert who can fool people into thinking she’s an extrovert, all the while wishing she was home alone, not having to speak to a soul, lost in a fantastical world of her own creation.
As the great Charles Bukowski said, she writes because it comes bursting out of her. She cannot stop it, nor does she want to.
She’s the author of the paranormal romance trilogy, The Sanctum, and the upcoming erotic romance, The Keeper Series. In a past life, when she was much sweeter and kind of shy, she developed and published the middle reader series, Ayesha’s Teenage Survival Files.
She does other things to pay the bills.
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